

I have limited time to post today as Mycomputer is toasted and I had to wrestle control of an operating one from my child seeing as it is hers... Yes My 5 year old has her own computer. Kay, so my problems are such. My bad ankle has been causing me to overcompensate and mess up the rest of the leg. I havd pulled or tweaked a nerve in my right shoulder which means I am unable to sleep on my right, thus causing me to sleep like dog poo. I have been avoiding venting onto the keyboard due to the fact that unless one of my readers happens to be a physician and in the area there is not much I could ask help with. I am also trying to quit that nasty habit that I have to go outside for... I am a crabby person. I hope to be able to work on a few things soon but for now I have to settle for snuggling my yarn. I might even get stubborn enough to go to the doctor here soon. Thank you for your support. (= And the reminder that there are actually people out there that read my drivel. Everybody have a better day than me, to at least justify my self-pity. =P


Grace said...

feel better Stormy, YOu are on my mind!!!

NH Knitting Mama said...

Stormy, thanks for your comment on my blog about my friend Zack. It's been a hard loss for my circle of friends, but at least we have each other to keep his memories alive.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Stormy ;>)
I'm sooo sorry to hear about your
ankle and the frustrating limitations
these can cause until "this too shall
pass" actually does! I'm hoping that
this makes it way to you as I didn't
realize til today when I took a look
at the comments line and saw that this is a "two-way type of blog"....
it's all so new to me, as this is the
first one I've ever looked at...but I
did read all your past blog writings which I found Oh so
interesting!! I love the way you
write from the heart! I had more to tell you about from the Boutique yesterday, but I want to see if I can send this out to you
first and see if I succeed. In the meantime, take good care of yourself and give Lauren a big
hug for me! Hugs to ya,
Grandma Patrice

SissySees said...

Thank you for your exceptionally kind words about Fred.

I also understand your own pain and suffering; I have a back problem that leads to more problems when I get out of whack, as I am now. I hope you soon find relief and healing, to whatever extent is possible!

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