
B. Baker

Intensity & Perspective

The pain in my head was so bad
I had gone from stars straight to seeing plaid
The drumming of my heart so hard I want to shout
My ribcage is your xylophone from the inside out
The blizzard of hope clouding my sight
As I head towards your light
One kiss from you both spicy and sweet
Like a cinnamon gumdrop brings me to my feet
With you by my side I have no need
From pain I have been freed

Little difficult but I remembered a few things about you... Hope you found her or someone close.

A. Barber

Crouching, ready to spring the bobcat kitten hunts,

Floating dandelion seeds it's current prey
Sister attacks, ready to box
Surrounded by family and a future of hope
The flat desert and mountains they range

Not my best imagery but heres to your imagination. (=

L. Hurtgen

Incognito Angels

The incognito angels of the day
Are those that help us on our way
My crossed eyes can barely see the wings tipped pink like the sunrise
The strange woman dips her hand in her purse for a surprise
The family only sees the card she holds
An adoption story then unfolds

From my experience of how things can work.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.