
And the band played on.

Yes, I am still alive. No, I haven't finished a darn thing. I have put up a small update to my shop and I hope that the drugs they gave me for my foot can help me *do* more than I have been doing. I hope that there aren't too many blog land people I have let down with my tendency to not get things finished. Wish there was more time in the day. Happy fiber to you all.


A little more brainless.

So because I have *so* much spare time... Taking spinning classes from a local woman with LOTS of teaching experience. Need to get things packed and sent away to various places. Need to *finish* about a dozen things to go on etsy within a week. I love to be busy. Oh yeah, my foot is still broken so I hobble around making things and swishing my cane at people. (= lovely mental image. *cackle*


Couple of things.

Finished... Slippers crocheted and book bound for person 1. Beads finished on *gift* for person 2. Beads applied to item for etsy. 5 more projects to finish before I can "relax" and do whatever strikes my fancy. TTFN


Chaos and Entropy

Due to Chaos and Entropy (and my own inability to judge time available) I will not be putting up pictures for a bit. The camera is hiding from me and I think I have just enough time in the next few days to finish half of the umpteen bazillion things going on. I just wanted to post this public service message to let those that have been paying attention (and commenting) know they are appreciated. I like to think that I am building a small group of friends through this medium and the journals that I read are wonderful windows into other peoples realities. Hopefully I haven't driven too many away with the outbursts of insanity that will continue at irregular intervals. (=
A happy beginning to a new year to all y'all

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