
Bizzare week.

I have spent the last week doing things backwards. I Was trying to make an outfit to go out in and did the hard part first. Then I decided to not to use that... Made a skirt and bodice, wore the skirt but left the bodice at home. I haven't gotten my but to the post office yet and Ireeeeeealy want to send this box out sooner rather than later. I will definately send it out tomorrow. After I have a night with more than 3 hours of sleep. Dancing was fun and I didn't hurt myself much. My entire abdominal area hurts just a little but that is to be expected. I got to see some old friends and some new ones and meet a few entertaining charachters. The guy that looked like a short Fabio was entertaining, The guy in the Bowler was funny and Main Guy on stage was sweet(even gave me a hug). I have finished the nonagon and won't be doing another for a while. I have ripped out the scarf for hunny and haven't gotten any more done on his hat. My Mom's scarf is languishing in my desk and I can't seem to focus on anything for more than a minute. Sleep deprivation can do that I hear.
No, I haven't gotten my camera's software loaded in part because it seems the cd drives in this "new" tower do not like me. No workie without headache and multiple head smackins.
((off topic, Has anyone else come to think of ravelry as a fiber artist vampire?))
When I do get it all together I *WILL* put up some more recent pictures both here and there. I am computer slacking right now but I have many excuses, I mean reasons.
On the 5 things I am thankful for this lovely Friday.
1. Hunny has started making me laugh again.
2. My small one is too smart (yes, trouble brewing, but I would rather have her be too smart than not able to question things.)
3. Corsets. (don't ask unless you actually want to know)
4. Places where my sense of humor is considered "normal"
5. Halloween is coming soon. The day after will mark the 6th solid year that hunny has survived my every attempt at driving him to the bin.
Kay. Done for now, I go lie down again.

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