
Urp, scuse me...

Yeah, I'm thankful. Whats it to ya.
Some of the things that make it so I can wake up and not go maniacally homicidal.
My Daughter... For every day she gives me one smile.
My Mother... For only saying "I told you so" once in a while.
My Husband... Glad I didn't settle for second best and glad that when the best came around I knew what to do. And his mom for being just a little NUTS. (=
My Brother (and his wife)... He's off doing his duty to keep us all free, and I am jealous cause he gets to be in Germany for a year.
My Uncle and Auncle... For just being the coolest.
My house... Pit though it may be some days, it is still mine.
*My pretty pretty stove*... Gas and black enamel. Loverly, and it does what I tell it to.
*My laundry machines*... Never realized how much I appreciate them till I had to do a months laundry at $1.50 to wash and dry a single load.
*My sewing machines*... I can't hand sew worth a darn, pun intended.
My town... I may hate it with a passion sometimes but the fact that there is no random gunfire and a low rate of homicide makes it home.
My Friend(s)... The one that has listened to the "mack truck make-out" whine. The new ones that are becoming more and more worth my time. The ones that I spend *hours* a day reading about on-line.
My Yarn obsession... I really would be in the nut house if I didn't fondle the fiber. It is my method of mental relaxation since I don't drink more than a couple single drinks a year and drugs are way too distracting and expensive. Can't have things taking my attention from the yarn, I mean child and housework.
My new favorite doctor... She READ MY FILE before offering me random prescriptions to fix me. Whee, all for doctors that can read.
I am thankful for so many little things as well as the big ones that I am surprised I don't explode from thankfulness, Oh wait... That's the turkey.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's another thing to be thankful for: I just made up a batch of peppermint soap. I hope it is up to your specifications. If not, I'm sure I can whip out another batch. Anyways, it should be hard enough to flip out of the molds by next weekend.

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