
Today's topic.

The difference between Knit and Crochet to me.
I tend to crochet much more than I knit because of the instant gratification factor. While the texture that a knit can provide is pleasing, the ease with which I can work with a hook keeps me calmer. I don't do counting very well and rows tend to escape me so the simple things I make are never the same twice. I can follow a knitting pattern and can even knit lace, but I generally only knit under duress. I will start a project and have to stop to crochet several times befor I have finished. I have made several scarves for people and was stressed while doing so. The only thing I have found that I enjoy knitting are hats....Because they are done in the round and can be made to fit....So I can stop whenever I want and say it's a cap. (= My favorite way to knit a hat hac been a bit of a surprise though. I start with my straight needles and do a few rows of double knit which creates a pouch shape, then I switch it over to eithe my DPN's or circulars. This gives me leave to make it as long or as short as I like and I don't have to finish a seam at all.
So, in short, if you want a hat knit let me know. Anything else will have to wait for a really wild hair.

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