
Officially annoyed

As I was at work last night until nearly 2 am I did not feel like typing anything when I got my weary butt home. The main reason that I was so late in getting home was Tiny. There was a list of things that were supposed to be done before this person left for the evening and there is a reason why the shift is called late rush. The orders didn't stop until nearly 11pm and I was running back to back until then. After that I had my own closing duties to attend to some of which were dependent on having the late rush stuff done. I made as much of both lists happen as I could before I had to leave due to the raging headache and need for sleep. I felt bad because I could not do all of it. This person has caused me to lose sleep and tips. The other person got sent home due to labor but Tiny was supposed to stay until the rush of orders had been mostly completed. The ovens got backed up, pizzas were taking too long to get made and orders were late. My tips are affected by this. When your pizza is late the apologies of the driver do not make you feel any less slighted. On top of these things this person is an antagonistic gossip. Telling one manager that another manager is talking trash about them and vice-versa. Talking bad about people when they are not there to defend themselves and smiling to their faces. Yes, I admit that I am talking about my co-workers in an unflattering light, but I am not identifying them and I am not causing issues at my workplace with this type of gossip.
Boss is another problem. Boss does not see how detrimental Tinys actions and behavior are to the welfare of the store. Boss does not see how the actions of many of the employees are causing the store to have problems. We are being told that we need to do more yet not having any instruction as to how this is to be accomplished. The few that have any kind of work ethic are being forced to work around those with none. The extra work is being rewarded with more extra work and the problem children are being slapped on the wrist and told not to do it any more. Scheduling half of the available drivers to be in store when the day has been slow causes runs to be scarce and drivers to sit around waiting. Boss thinks that giving out chores to do while we are waiting is going to improve things... I am unhappy that I take runs and don't get tipped because my back-up left and things are late and I am unhappy that I get to take 1 run in an hour because of over-staffing on a slow shift. Seriously considering applying at Denny's for an evening waitress position... Don't think my face would get the job though.
Must have a sense of humor about reality or it will kill you.
That's all for now
Comments and questions welcome if positive thoughts motivate you.

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